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HotSauce Plugin Manual

Note: These are the instructions for the plugin. If you downloaded a whole folder, you downloaded the standalone application and not the plugin. Go here for the manual for the standalone application. Depending on the platform, the plugin is called ProjectXPlugInPPC, ProjectXPlugIn68K or npProjX.dll. The standalone application is called Project X.

How to Install & Use Project X Plug-in



  1. Download and place ProjectX Plugin in the Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer Plug-in folder. (Irrespective of your browser, what you need is the Netscape Plugin. The same plugin can be used by both browsers.)
  2. Windows users:
    • Make sure you unzip the file first!
    • The Plugin is a file called npProjX.dll. It is not a .exe file.
  3. Start Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer (or restart if already loaded). Windows users: make sure that your display is set to 16 bit color, or else the XSpaces will appear very dull.

Project X Plugin will now be available to view XSpace enabled web sites from within your navigator.

If you followed these instructions and are still having problems, you might want to take a look at the trouble shooting guide.

Find out how you can create a fly-through map of your web site.

Flying Lessons


Holding the mouse button down on the black background moves you forward into the space. Point in the direction you want to fly.

The Menu

There is a grey button on the left hand top corner. This is a MacOS style menu: hold the mouse down on the menu to display it, then drag down the menu to the item you want and release to select the item. It will list all the currently available options.

Getting Back To the Top

Use the To Top command from the menu to return to the top topic.


Holding the mouse button down with Command (MacOS) or Control and left mouse button (Windows 95/NT) makes you fly backwards. You'll see the cursor change to indicate your direction.


Adding Shift accelerates you. Adding Control (MacOS) or Alt (Windows 95/NT) increases the acceleration.

Adjusting the View

Press on the grid on the margins of the XSpace to move the view from side to side or up and down in the window. You'll see the cursor change to an arrow to indicate the direction you are moving.

Opening a Page

Pages stand for content: they are represented by normal rectangles. Double-clicking a page opens the content it represents.


Topics are used to organize the space - for example, grouping pages by subject matter or audience: they are represented by round cornered rectangles.

Focusing on a Topic

Double clicking a topic makes it and its children the current focus. Use To Top from the menu to return to the top topic.


Different levels in the hierarchy are represented by different colors.

Changing the layout

To move nodes out off the way or to bring certain nodes into focus, you can drag any of the nodes are and rearrange the layout.

Un-embedding the XSpace

In the case of XSpaces that are embedded within HTML pages, you can also display the XSpace in a separate browser window by selecting Display Standalone from the menu.